Friday, June 15, 2007

Students are required to wear their ID tags while in the computer lab at all times.

Tip! When boarding the LRT for a long journey, try to get into either the very end or the very beginning of the train. This will maximize your chance to get a seat (and thus a good nap) as you endure the long but necessary commute to your destination of choice.

Math: There are 10 seats in the end compartment, with standing room for 10-12 more.
When you board, you will probably be in the middle standing area. As people disembark, shuffle your way inwards to the standing area next to the seats. Approaching popular stations like Masjid Jamek, KLCC, or KL Sentral will ensure that a mininum of 4-5 of the 20-22 people in the end compartment are getting off.

Insert obligatory reminder to let the elderly (or cute) get seats before you. Public service, Malaysia boleh, good of the community, stuff like that.

So my day thus far has been wrapped in the mysterious function known only as 'mind maps.' I envision a philosopher in the distant past going 'hm, I need a way to mystify and obfuscate my otherwise simple and easy-to-understand thoughts. I know! I'll draw lots of little circles on a big piece of paper and link them with arrows! Then I'll just add randomly to it as I think of new things to put in with no regard for organization or legibility!'

...word processor...? Anyone?

So in what is essentially a herculean effort on the part of my fellow students, we managed to get about 100 preliminary thumbs for a design together, and we walk up to Ms. Lecturer Lady and are about to say 'Ho there, good educator, gaze upon our works, ye mighty, and despair.' when she goes 'Where's your mind map?'


'Your mind map. For your logo concept. You can't draw logos without doing a mind map first.'

Thus demonstrating the human ability to bend reality entirely to their viewpoint. /headdesk

Later today I'll be involved in another discussion re: the future fate of the logo sketches. Also must remember to do work on the ad campaign proposal for tomorrow instead of playing World of Warcraft. I need a secretary... If you know someone with good organizational skills and an adorable british accent leave a resume after the jump.

And then the train journey home. Train journeys are generally uneventful things. I wonder where all the attractive people disappear to while on public transport. I guess blank stares and earphones serve to block not only things from getting in but also things from getting out.

Oh yes, screaming children. There's a fundamental universal law somewhere that states that N is in inverse proportion to V where N is number of kids and V is VOLUME!!! One kid. Let's say, on the train. One kid, one parent. Kid makes happy kid noises. Kid could potentially be fairly harmless. Kid asks 'Where are we now mommy?' Blog poster not in any way compelled to wring Kid's neck.

Now add more Kids. Say, 3 of them. So you have, in a four seat row, 1 parent, 2 Kids jumping on the next seat, one Kid kicking the crap out of the floor, and one Kid who won't stop trying to get the parent's attention. Kid 1 & 4 are fighting over small scrap of plastic. Kid 2 is shouting at top of lungs. Kid 3 is potentially crying.

It's not enough to make me want to forever disown the biological imperative. Instead I try my very best not to commit infanticide. It's not that I care about the criminal consequences; I'm sure a jury of my peers would nod their heads entirely in assent, but I'm afraid it might not be good manners.


Legolas said...

Try having toddlers or babies beside you for a two-hour flight. One is enough to disturb your supposedly nice sleep in a cool environment. And somehow I always get it during my flights, either beside me or somewhere near me.

That's annoying.

Nicholas said...

sif mindmaps. Just do like the rest of the world. Create the logo, THEN go about creating the paperwork.

That way, not only will you have fulfilled the paperwork requirement, your paper work will make sense and you won;t have to explain how you mindmapped your way to concept only to change your mind while you're actually making the logo and the mindmap doesn't reflect the change.

Anonymous said...

Huh... I found your blog! :P

Okay, I know, not the biggest achievement seeing as how you gave me the address, but still.

So anyways, why'd you make on here, and not on LJ like the rest of us do? :P


Nicholas said...

eww.. LJ is ebil!

Ganymede said...

Wah lan. This is beyond kiasu man. Heheh good Strategy. :P