Sunday, November 25, 2007

I can't think of a good pun right now, sorry

So I am now on facebook. So far it has proven to be far less annoying than I thought it would be. My brother turns on all the email notifications and every day his inbox is stuffed to bursting. I have significantly better odds.

The novel is going terrifically. I've just introduced a new character who I am going to have great fun with, and the wordcount rises.

My assignment is done, I hope. What a terrible experience. I really didn't enjoy this one, in sharp contrast to the usual tune.

I managed to get into Zul'Aman again today (pause: did I blog about this yesterday? Not sure) which is basically a world of warcraft 'dungeon', dungeon being in inverted commas because the whole thing is set in a troll city outdoors, where all the enemies have awesome jamaican accents and all I have to do is throw fireballs until they fall down. Such freedom.