Friday, December 14, 2007



My exams are over! *hooray* I am now bereft of a reason to fret and worry and peer obsessively at little scraps of paper. This feels GREAT. I feel fantastic; and I never felt as good as how I do right now
except maybe for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
when I felt the way
that I do right now
Right now

...yes I did just burst into song. So what? <.< >.>

I have changed my 'C is For:' in celebration. Damnit, that should have been my new word. Celebration. Bah! My change committee will hear of this.

I am tonight going to
a play!

My brother is in it, and if you have not realized by now my brother is a babe. So knowing as I am that my blog demographic is mostly full of... shall we say, happy people? (JANVIER I CAN SEE YOU SMIRKING STOP IT RIGHT NOW) this should be more than enough encouragement for you to come.

If you're playing for a different team, you may then be pleased to know that the play is freaking excellent. I went for the preview night and was horrified to learn that the director had removed some of the more verbose patois. My inner hyperpolysyllabicssesquipedalianist was offended, to say the least. Could not the actors have at least said 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' in place of some of the more prolixic lexicography?

But rest assured, what remains is fantastic.

'He speaks such beautiful words, but he throws them about like leaves. When he speaks, you lose track of where you end and he begins, and after five minutes you find you're breathing in tempo with him.'

And I don't have the script book with me right now so I can't quote more, much as I would like to.

Terry Pratchett has alzheimer's. It's like a family tragedy that you heard about only distantly. How long before we say so long, and thanks for all the fish?

And at the same time, Dan Brown remains in the peak of health? WTF?

'All this thinking about the human brain has led me to believe in the existence of God. Evolution is a very efficient process, and would not have created something so palpably stupid.' - Terry Pratchett.


Janvier said...

Shiny, happy people holding hands
Shiny, happy people holding hands!


Yes, we heard the news about TP! Saddening! :(

savante said...

Oh waily oh waily! How am I gonna get my wee free men!

David The Man said...

Oh... That's indeed sad that TP has Alzheimer's.