Monday, January 21, 2008

Ride Your Music

So this weekend I got into the beta for this rather amazing game called Audiosurf...

...and after pondering about how to tell you people about it I realized it's really freaking difficult. Okay, how to explain it.

It's really quite a clever system; the basic premise is that you load any music file into the game, and it will automatically generate a 'track' for you to ride on with a little mouse-controlled car, and the object of the game is to collect the colored bricks which appear in time with the beat / rhythm of your song and score points by creating combinations of 3 or more.

.... It's really really addictive >.< Especially in the 2-player co-op mode (2 player co-op mode! On a PC!!) where each player is responsible for half the track and combinations that join both halves score mondo points. TRES MAGNIFIQUE.

It's coming out soon, so make sure you get it. This is seriously fantastic stuff.


Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. At least better than the mindless tapping of keys like most music games.

-C said...

Yeah I like the extra elements, like using your music collection and pregenerating a track from that (essentially the game is a very pretty visualizer) and having gameplay that's actually challenging and strategic.

Anonymous said...

dream come true. You know what I always wanted? My own songs on Frets on Fire. That's all I wanted.

Anonymous said...

Okay, EXPLAIN to me how you just HAPPEN to blog about this now, just as the BETA version of the game is OVER????

Ganymede said...

I got confused and sort of turned on when I saw the title ride. Then I realised it wasn't the same 'ride'. Hahahah.

Looks like fun. Give!

Sam said...

I've been playing my copy for days now. Addiction... rising... >.<