Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Brother to Dragons

Rediscovering an old flame can be such bliss. In my case, working had removed a large part of my ability to play World of Warcraft. Coupled with the lack of raiding my guild had been doing
being able to get back into the groove this past weekend was great. There's something viscerally satisfying about slinging fireballs that crit for three thousand damage and leave residual burn on a target, knowing that every time I do this the giant monster/dragon/boss thing in front of us is that much closer to falling down dead, leaving precious precious loot for us to cheer over and distribute.

So yea, that was fun. Unfortunately the long weekend ended and I'm back here at work, tapping out this blog entry in the periods of waiting for files to download that constitute my job. They added a new island to the World of Warcraft yesterday; I got a brief look at it this morning, all rain-soaked and misty (I woke up early because I was sleeping on my arm and my elbow fucking hurt.) and as I swooped in for a landing amongst the teeming population of people who'd also came in on Day One to have a look at the place. I stood on a ship where the Commander of the Shattered Sun Offensive pored over a map of the island (they're trying to capture it) while flaming arrows flew overhead and in the foggy distance ships drifted in the tide; a blockade? Supply convoy? I don't know, and I didn't have the time to find out.

But as I rode beneath the spires and ramps of gold, I knew in my heart only one thing.

Somewhere on this island, there is a dragon. And I want nothing more than to throw fireballs at it until it falls down.


NoahJ said...

Don't think I haven't noticed the oh-so-smarmy-and-clever Watchmen chapter titles, you horrible lump.

*sigh* a shame to read that Pratchett is suffering for Alzheimer's, though life is nothing without its ends and tragedies; and he is, apparently, making the best of it.

NoahJ said...

... *from.

Chrys said...

You should marry WoW. It's obvious to me now. And thanks for not picking up the phone again! lolz

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

this reminds me of monkey island, but i love the design anyway :P