Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fearful Symmetry

There's a Chinese saying that I love. I don't love it as much as 'May you live in interesting times' but it's still great.

It goes: We are born wet, naked, and hungry.

From there it gets worse.

Life is symmetrical, in a way. You may not think so given the random permutations of everyday lifery but there's a certain... well, okay. You start out helpless, thoughtless, and unable to communicate with anyone about how you feel think or do. You wear diapers and eat liquids. What happens at the end? Same deal, except you don't get to finish as an orgasm.

is a short film about life, I guess, by way of a 14-year-old with tremendous acting ability and what appears to be a pernicious amount of freckles. My Name is Lisa is up for a Youtube Award for Best Short Film and although I have a soft spot for some of the others (My First Crush is beautiful) Carlie Nettle, for that be the name of the highly talented teenager, absolutely nailed the performance here. It's so spot on as to be almost invisible. Myself I think the film might have worked better with more 4th wall for a more 'homemade feel' but the- oh fuck it, WATCH THE DAMN THING ALREADY.

Someone said to me yesterday (if you're reading this, sif not comment) that she wanted to collaborate with me on something different from my usual purview 'You know, not science fiction or thriller. Something real world.'

As if there is any other kind of real world. Now where's my lightsaber.


Unknown said...

Hm. I'd say her ears are more pernicious than her freckles. Still, she's not bad.

Have you read/seen Godot?

-C said...

damn you, commenting before I can edit!

Godot. Memory tells me he's a filmmaker. Google tells me it's a play. So that tells you your answer eh

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ah, you're thinking of Godard.

I mean Waiting for Godot, the play by Beckett. Go read it. Something tells me you'll like it.

PS. Boo for not being able to edit comments.

sneexe said...

Um... so how do you know you don't finish life as an orgasm?

..and anyway, you only get to start life as someone else's.

