Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Retail Therapy

omg rofls who r u n wut hv u dun 2 d real sigma83 lololololol

I retail therapied.

Don't look at me like that, I know. I'd feel bad, only what I retail therapied was a copy of Assassin's Creed, the install for which is now merrily putting away in the background while I blog this. I also bought a copy of FREAKING MASS EFFECT which I purposely left at my neighbor's for him to play because I don't have the hard drive space/need to sleep at some point in the next 3 weeks.

So this blog post will essentially last until the install completes. Wheeee.

(twiddles thumbs)

So I ate at Delicious for lunch, and they served a very decent shepards pie with epic salad and uber wedges. My friend whom I ate with (Nicholas Chin, see his blog here) had a mushroom spaghetti thing and it tasted like chinese noodles with cheese added in. I like my potato-bedecked concoctions ^^

And you'd think after I blew all that money on lunch I'd have the sense to not pick up 40 ringgit worth of games but noooooooooooo.

(Insert disk 2. Click okay. Install continues to putter.)

At least I buy substantial things. Soul improving things. Other people buy clothes, handphones, iPods, I buy video games.

Fuck, I am so dying alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? I blow ridiculous amounts of dosh on comics just for a few hours of escape from my numb, passionless existence!

If you're dying alone, I reckon I'll be doin' the same right along side ya