Saturday, June 23, 2007

Flotation Disorder

I float now in a bubble of work avoidance.

I have lots of it to do, but I'm steadfastly avoiding it in the hopes that I will feel better. And I just found out at this precise moment that the friend i had hoped would be coming over tomorrow has got a surprise visit from her relatives. Curse her accursed relatives.

*simmer gently*

Could someone turn me down from boil? Thank you.

Now we shall continue with our regularly scheduled program. Now is also the time to admit that I lack a regularly scheduled program.

Favorite joke of mine: What do vegetarian zombies say? Graaaaaaaains.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in 17 days. I shall demonstrate droolworthiness on the part of the lead actress.

New tangent (And a fun one we've got today!) Pedophilia. It's one of those topics, kind of like mass murder and talking at the theater, that is nearly universally reviled, even by those who don't actually feel that strongly about it. 'Pedophilia? Is that right? Yes, Gosh awful stuff. Can't have it ole chap. Pish the government should get off their toshes and do something, what what.'

I've had people tell me 'zomg she's not 18 yet, how could you think such a thing.' While I do not, or have at any point in the past, visualized fantasies about Ms. Watson, (Petrificus Totalus!) I find it somewhat undeniable that she is a smoking babe. There are many girls who are smoking babes, and somehow it's okay once they reach a magic age line, but not a moment before.

I think that's a serious missighting of society, to be perfectly honest.

Preface: Child abuse causes serious and permanent emotional trauma. In no way am I endorsing the calculated destruction of human psyches. But there are not lines drawn in the proverbial sands going 'okay, NOW you can stare at their magnificently scuplted asses.' or 'NOW they can wear backless dresses.' It's a gradual process.

People (and I mean pretty much everyone who's ever lived) spent their formative years around a lot of people of the same age, circa 14 years old. This is the age when massive hormone rushes caused embarrassing issues (and possibly tissues) for many a growing human, surrounded by members of the appropriate sex who're suddenly massively attractive. And also, of course, minors. Somehow adults at large (whether by embarrassment or peer pressure) tend to forget this stage of life entirely when drafting statutory rape laws.

Am I suggesting that having sex with 14 year olds is okay? I think my answer really is who am I to make that blanket statement? They marry 12 year olds off in plenty parts of the world. What if you're 14 too? Is it not okay then?

I don't have the answers, but I do think it's a matter of asking the right questions, and one of them definitely isn't 'How do you plead'?


Nicholas said...

Am I the only one who saw "relatives" and read "period" ? >><

-C said...

Nick, you have issues. Seriously.