Monday, June 23, 2008

Just like riding a bike

Except that blogging doesn't burn calories. Or maybe it does if I type super super fast.

awehruiohsfuasdhfuioaJSuiasehpfuisdnfuasdhauhegtawe okay that didn't work. Darnitall.

So you know what else comes naturally? Creating ads, or at least all the parts up until you show it to your lecturer and she squints a bit and goes 'didn't they do that concept in an ad last time?' and you go 'fuckfuckfuckfuck' under your breath.

What doesn't come naturally is spending hours and hours typing a proposal. oy.

Or waking up at 6:30. That's not natural either.

Speaking of unnatural, Alanis Morisette's new album! It is fantastic! (the 4 songs I've heard from it are super duper awesome) She's doing the Ray of Light thing (information shameless ripped from wikipedia. So much for being a creative person and coming up with my own analogy) and changing her tone while still being alanisey at her core.

New adjective: Alanisey. Synonyms: Emo, but in a stylistically cool way that goes far beyond No One Understands My Painism.

Speaking of emoness, did I already mention that my freaking ad concept got done before!!! By someone else who wasn't me??? THE OUTRAGE

I'm going to drown my sorrows in brunch.


Naoko said...

Actually it does.

If you're doing a lot of thinking. Ever notice how you always feel hungry after a really productive brainstorming session?

-C said...

I get hungry no matter what I do. It's called the circadian rhythmthmtythm or somesuch